Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Farmhouse Style Hall Table

I inherited this piece from my friend when she moved. It's the perfect low profile hall piece. It's been ensconced in my back (enclosed) porch for probably 4-5 years now. And a mess collected around it. I am ashamed.

(My poor, pathetic ferns. I have been babying them and coaxing them back into health after I let them sit outside and partially freeze one night.)

Hubby uses this hall table as a catch all for his various odds and ends that come in the door with him and need a flat spot to land. Plus I put my plants all around it because this spot gets a lot of sun all day. Thus, the mess. But, no more.

I had a bit of blue, a bit of aqua, and a small ammt. of grey paint leftover from other projects. I have been trying to use up all of last year's paint before buying new colors for this year, so I just dumped them all together and came up with this robin's egg (or "duck" egg, if you're an Annie Sloan guru) blue. The funny thing is, it perfectly matches a piece of fabric in my neighboring dining room that I use as a "curtain" over my unused fire place. Perfectly matches it. I didn't even try. :)

I did put the wooden box on it for my husband to stash a few of his odds and ends in if he chooses.

I'm almost done with my backlog of neglected, personal pieces!

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