Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My "Where The Red Fern Grows" Moment.

Have you ever read "Where The Red Fern Grows"? I read it when I was about 14 and I think I cried through the whole book. And I was a blubbering, emotional mess at the end of it. If you've ever read the book or seen the movie, you know what I am talking about.

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about - I'll tell you this: The main character has 2 dogs that he loves dearly. Towards the end of the story, one dog sadly dies. The remaining dog pines away for the dead one, and eventually dies herself. The boy buries them side by side. Later, the family has to move. He makes one last visit to the grave of his dogs and growing between the buried bodies is a rare red fern. (I am tearing up thinking about the story now as I type.... *sniff*)

Anyway. I said all that so that this post makes sense to everyone reading it.

As you may recall, earlier this spring, my sweet kitty "Spook" passed away in a tragic accident. We were heartbroken because we love and adore our cats (and our dog).



You can read about how I rescued Spook here
You can also read about Spook here.

We buried her between two walnut trees, that border our vegetable garden next to the house.
A few days afterwords, I had a bag of zinnia seed heads from my friend that I had planted in my flower/herb garden. The bag had gotten wet in a rain and was all soggy and the seeds, I thought, were rotten and worthless.

On a whim, I dumped the soggy, "rotten" seeds out all over the fresh dirt of Spook's grave, and forgot about it.

Soon, though, the seed sprouted, and began to grow! I had a lush bed of zinnias and merrigolds growing right on top of her grave, next to my veggies.


My other cats like to go and sit down there; and beautiful butterflies are always fluttering around the bright pink flowers. I even put up a little wire fence around it, to protect the flowers and give it some "structure".




The other day, however, I noticed that there was one, single white flower blooming among all the pink ones..... just one.


Chance? Maybe. But to me personally, that single white flower was like a message straight to my heart; a message of comfort, and knowing that my Heavenly Father knows and cares. Yes, he even cares about a little white kitty that broke my heart when she went away.

I just thought I'd share; especially for all you pet lovers out there.

Have a blessed day!

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